Saturday, March 24, 2007

Bliss. . .

What’s bliss? Bliss describes that centrifugal force that pulls you deeper and closer towards that realm of happiness; that bastion of indulgence that brings complete joy to our being from the simplest of tastes to the strongest of emotional forbearance. I know it well and I’ve known it well. It’s a great place to be, especially after you’ve been going the opposite direction for a while. But it’s especially sweet when it’s not your “dream destination,” but a place you can visit whenever you need an escape.

Is it possible to maintain bliss? I don’t think so. There are so many agents of deception and emotional gate-keeping that to task yourself with that goal in mind is setting yourself up for defeat. Bliss is not meant to completely supplant or be used to hibernate from true life which asks us to experience the full range of emotional habitation. However, it can be that secret cupboard or that comfortable chair that beckons the sunken-shouldered, tired and weary day-traveler from the hubris and syncopated entrepreneurial endeavoring we must navigate like slaloms daily.

Yes, bliss’ capacity knows no equal opposite, just as hell is no equal opposite of heaven. Once you are there, thought consumption is of only beauty and beautiful things. God. Family. Relationships. . .good ones. Offspring. Friendship. . .true friendship, not acquaintances. Funny movies. Favorite tastes. Melodious sounds. They all come together to form a string quartet of goodness and all that is good. You need only know how to call upon it; like prayer.

I pose to you, this feeling called bliss, so that you understand it is available to you; it will avail itself if you know how to take your mind there. Bliss requires no plane ticket or expenses. It requires no hammock or white sand beaches. It doesn’t even require your physical being. It requires your mind and your soul. Go there. Take a visit every once and a while and get yourself replenished. Come back and be prepared to face a new set of challenges; whatever they may be. Sensations can be taught. You need not have to prick around until you find they exist. You need only be open to receive, faithful and trusting of your mind’s ability to take your soul places that can replenish you. I know it well and I’ve known it well. You should too.


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