Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Writing snippet - Death

I was afraid of death once; once long ago when I was but a mere child expecting life to last forever. Sure there were things that scared me. And I believe it is quite natural for those things that scare you, to also cause a fear of death. I could never come to grips with the thought of what it meant to never breathe again. The thought was so horrifying that I made a pact to myself that I would never die. It’s silly the ideas we conjure up in our heads when we are young.

As a teenager, I came to the conclusion that avoiding death is impossible. Not because of what science had taught me or what I’d seen on the television screen. Not by books or family funerals I was considered too young to attend. My conclusion that death was unavoidable was no doubt influenced by the idea of loving. You see, ultimately that was the idea that helped me to get over my fear of dying. When I came to the conclusion that there are things in this world that I love so much, I would die for them, I ceased being afraid to die; the notion of dying became nothing more than a step. A step towards what, you may ask? Towards the next stage of my life. Towards immortality. Towards a greater being that exists in human form. Towards a light. Towards growth. Towards the next best thing.

And all we ever really ask for is the next step. So why fear that which is the final step? Earthly anyway.


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