Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Writing snippet - Meaning of Life

One of the most pervasive questions of all time is what is the meaning of life? A very profound question for sure, but not the only question. I propose to you a different question. A question that forces us to think about that which we are not doing at the time in question. You see, the question of what is the meaning of life is only asked and/or answered by the living. I ask you the following question. What is the meaning of death?

Maybe if we knew the answer to this question, or began to craft the answer to this question for ourselves, there wouldn’t be so many people attempting to meet death before their time. What if the meaning of death was to find out why you are alive? To spend all your days looking for the reason you were put on this earth to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. What if to breathe could get you 80 years of life, but upon the verge of lifelessness, you found out that your death was meaningless? Meaningless because you did nothing more than exist while you were here; while you were alive.

I often ask myself, what does it mean to die? Over my few years on this earth, I’ve come across bits and pieces of literature that could help explain the phenomenon that is death. Oh, the things we see while we are alive. Yet we will be dead for more years than we are alive. If being alive was more important than death, then why are we dead longer than we’re alive? Contrived, I know, but to me, this question is worth answering.


Blogger Setta B. said...

"Yet we will be dead for more years than we are alive. If being alive was more important than death, then why are we dead longer than we’re alive? Contrived, I know, but to me, this question is worth answering."

Well, I think you can answer this only from a spiritual perspective. Of course, my answer is not definitive. Hebrews 13:14 basically says that this world is not our home. We are looking forward to our everlasting home in Heaven. 1 Peter 1:17 says that we should live our lives as temporary residents.

"...What does it mean to die?" Well, I think it means that you can then begin the life that really matters. The much longer one we'll spend in Heaven, hopefully.

March 17, 2007 8:19 AM  

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