Friday, May 18, 2007


I dreamed I was under water taking deep breaths of unassurity nestled in between birth and death. And though it took me over a couple decades, I finally realized that I did have the option to walk on land and float on air; it just so happens that in order to do that, I would have to travel deeper below my current state of understanding. And that I would need to brave the undercurrents that swept me through existence; all to live for the unknown. Because living for the known was cheating me out of time.

I'm not a craftsman who delights in getting better at the same thing day in and day out. My life is more optimally lived as a discoverer who prefers fornicating with space and new adventures to fill it. Though moderation is the key to a steady life, some doors can only be opened when you knock them down. And aren't some parts of life better when you barge in? Unexpected and brand new like leather or breathing normally after unsubmersing your head from under water?

The vast unknown requires a lion's heart with an eagle's eye and the swiftness of a fish. Prior to this revelation, I was simply living as a fish, expertly navigating through life which is that of a fish; never soaring too high nor traversing the deep, dark jungle below.

From that dream, I awoke to the sound of morning and realized my first breath of air ever. It was new and so was I. I got out of my bed realizing there was "it" to conquer. That was several years ago. And since then, it has made all the difference.


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