Sunday, June 17, 2007

For 8 years, she went uncompromised. . .

Reflecting on a post written by Nikki on perception of black women on television, I have become deeply saddened by the prospects that perhaps, the world is not interested in positive portrayals of our black women; that perhaps, a troubled black woman makes for a more “realistic” and interesting story than a non-troubled black woman. That perhaps for black women, struggle = “struggle always” as oppose to struggle = “success.” What a disconcerting equation we’ve devised for ourselves, and furthermore, have allowed to be devised by the television producer.

But again, Nikki has covered these bases on her blog far more poignant than any way I could tell it or have seen it previously done. My point here is quite simple. I want to actually give praise and thanks to a particular individual.

For 8 years, this woman played the mother of Sondra, Denise, Theo, Vanessa and Rudy and a host of others not born to her. For 8 years, she was a lawyer who successfully made her way up the ranks to partner at her firm. For 8 years, she relished close relationships with her parents; with her husband’s parents; with her alma mater; with the doctors who helped her to bore her children. She attended parent/teacher conferences. She attended Church and sang with the choir. She cooked, cleaned and gave out healthy allowances. Her kids never begged for money for Jordan’s. And they respected her to no end.

I say all of that to say, thank you to The Cosby Show for the consistent and persistent, positive portrayal of a black woman on television; thank you Claire Huxtable; thank you Phylicia Allen and Phylicia Rashad!


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