Monday, January 22, 2007

With A Little Help From My Friends. . .and Family

To all of you that I had the utmost fortunate opportunity to get up with during my visit back home, I owe you a huge gratitude of thanks. I normally would consider myself an introvert and must go inside myself to regenerate and recharge. But I must say that I am feeling so much better than I could have made myself feel and I owe that all to you.

Thank you for the good vibrations, the great conversations, for the hugs and the kisses. Thanks for the handshakes and the words of encouragement that I am doing the right thing. For your support, your guidance and for entrusting me to be someone who can give you support and guidance. Thank you for your unleveling commitment to friendship and your familial touches. For your phone calls and your text messages.

Understand that I take no small gesture for granted and put great weight on those little things you do to let me know you're thinking about me when I'm not even thinking about myself. Those thoughts, in turn, force me to start thinking about myself. And I, in turn, start thinking about ways to help the people around me. So on and so forth and the wheels on the bus go round and round.

Lastly, thank you for allowing me to be Jaramogi Kareem Adams. I am and will always be a work in progress, but it feels good to know and to be proud of myself because I have such wonderful people around me who affirm my belief in myself; it allows me to have faith in what I am capable of giving to you. I am thanking you, right here, right now for what you give to me.

I love you all!! Until. . .


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