Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A conversation with George Bush

I spoke to George Bush today!! Well, not really, I was just speaking to a close friend. But according to recent reports, Bush was on the phone listening to our conversation.

So I took the opportunity, while I had Bush's ear to tell my friend about how fucked up our country's administration has been.

I told her that some of our best laid international policies, including NATO and NAFTA, were some of the greatest fairy tales ever put to pen, sans Aesop and Disney.

I told her that it wasn't any fun working to pay for the right to food and shelter and not able to afford much else.

I told her I detest knowing we're pumping money into world security when our social is in such dire straights.

That a gallon of milk and a jar of honey now go for about $8 at the grocery store, nevermind the going rate for land. What does that all mean? It means that the land of milk and honey has gone sour and back to the bees.

I told George Bush, I mean my friend that on these days, a strong education seems optional. Meaning you have the option to pay for it or not. What remains of education after those who can afford it is a babysitting service for bad ass kids who learn little more than what hopelessness will feel like for an adult when they get older.

I told her that I guess for some, a Presidential salary is not a large enough income, so WE must start a war that has resulted in increased gas prices of 33% over the past year, all in a effort to ensure the President’s great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren could afford to go to college all at once, if they were all alive at the same time.

All the while, someday soon, a gallon of gas will cost more than an hour of minimum wage will earn you. Well truthfully, that wouldn’t be a problem if we just took the bus or train, right? Sure wish those weren’t terrorist targets though.

I told her that I'm sick of it all! But I'm scared to go to the doctor to see what's wrong with me because I'm expected to pay a New York month’s rent in healthcare expenses before the government will help me out,

So not only do I have to work and pay the government 34% of my salary for the luxury to work, but I also have to pay for my health with what's left after taxes. No thank you!! What I don’t know can’t hurt me, right? Well, there is that sharp pain in my lower back and this incredible headache, but if I can find the perfect over-the-counter drug, I can make those go away. So who needs a doctor??!!

I told my friend that I look forward to going overseas and getting an international experience under my belt. But that my mother is scared shitless, because sending an American overseas is the equivalent of sending over red rover. Neither an American shrouded in American diplomacy nor red rover is welcomed. So my American skin (hahaha!!! Sorry, I had to laugh at that for a second) becomes a target because someone, some group or some country doesn’t like my government.

And amidst the backdrop of all this, I want to have kids someday and have them inherit this world. Sigh!!

I spoke to George Bush today. I mean my friend. I hope SHE heard me!!


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