Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Edification takes more than building blocks, mortar and pestle. It takes more than a plan and monetary investment. Edification takes more than landmarks and machines, milestones and tailoring. It takes more than sunrise and sunset and people willing to work betwixt the two. Edification takes more than books read and challenges surpassed. There is no denying the need for illumination, but edifying takes more than that too. Edification takes more than people whom simply call themselves your family or your friends without a stronger meaning behind it.

You see, in the end, you can have all these things and build the most beautifully solid fortress in the world, but in the end, if you do not build this fortress with Love, its walls will crumble alongside its foundation and brittle into the murkiest of seas, if only to prove that no house is as strong as a house built with Love. This fortress will not last because it can be torn asunder by hate for it; hate for the people who built it.

Ladies and gentlemen, at 31 years of age, I feel as strong as ever, because I know I am edified by Love. I give it, I receive it, and therefore I am it. Self-loved and loved by those whom, though I may be as much as 9,000 miles away, still find time within their hearts and their minds to remind me what I am made of. I am fortified by what is given to me daily, whether I am mentally focused on Love or not. You make me want to be better so that I can represent you better.

It is on this notion, I reflect.

I would like to send a huge ‘thank you’ out to those who despite speaking on July 23rd, called me on July 24th anyway to wish me a happy birthday. To those who I have not spoken to in nine months, but contacted me to wish me a happy birthday. To those who synchronized a watch with New Delhi’s very odd nine and a half hours time difference and called me around midnight my time; I thank you too. To those of you who gave me a birthday shout out on their blog, you have indeed become very special to me CincoSeis & Rusty. Thank you to those who sent me scheduled eCards. Thank you to those who shared a kind word with me and told me what I meant to you; everyone needs that type of encouragement. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Partingly, I say:

As I am Love. . .

I “am” you all. . .therefore. . .

I Love you all!!


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