Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life. . .

I owe each deceased soul a piece of my life.

Heart wrenching creases slice my dry heart as blood pumps to live another day. My father, a father, a king passes in the day leaving knights and bishops left to roam this chessboard we call the moment before home – or life before death; a resting place for those who've completed their torment. Emotional limits breached by our own in-securities, favored deeply by insanity and oft-leveled in-stability.

I know not the knot wrenching in my chest speaking volumes to my vocal cords that’ve since lost the ability to express what's inside. I am overcome with silent motives to bellow out my intentions; my heart's dire straits. Cold, calculated, numb feelings in a heated room, scoping out initiative and intent as if those two things are the same. I’m intent on my initiative to initiate my intentions.

Sleep. An impostor hiding behind hope and despair as I reason the meaning behind those who live and those who do not. I try to put it in a rhyme, but come up a bar short of a full stanza. So I'm writing instead. But I can't help but feel like, the running chicken with no head. In a state of panic, beyond understanding the reality of the situation. But firing off synapses to my nervous system telling my body to react to the situation a tad bit late. I figure out my clean slate, is a headless victim of circumstance and nourishment. I lament. For the day has come when we understand what we should have done years ago. So now we stand under TARP umbrellas and stagnating riches waiting for the world to change. And not just a black United States President either. But a deeper change that stops the hungry homeless from begging for change outside of million dollar condos at dinner time.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I wanted capitalist riches. But I'd settle for an equal place at the start line. Embellished egos stand guard at the timer making late my beginning. So I'm left trying to answer questions to the full story before I've had a chance to read it all. That is, if I can read at all. I've been told I'm better at dribbling a basketball. Or running a football. Or catching a baseball. Apparently better at understanding the dynamics of circles, split second timing and trajectories, ergo physics, rather than the straight edge of a book. But you mistook my physical for athletic instead of having the mental capacity to control my gluttony and extend my body beyond natural limits or limitations. My lamentations are due to the death of a foregone conclusion devised to systematically debilitate my ability to understand who I are.

I'm a star amongst the comets. Just ask Hailey. Better yet, ask Haley. He's chronicled my meteoric rise to human-dom. I’ve been prophesied in Banneker's Almanac. Quipped about in Aesop's fables. Foreseen in King's dream. Unveiled by Du Bois' black soul. Scripted through X’s rhetoric. Emblemized in Mandela’s imprisonment. Stood up for in Park’s sit down. Ushered forward through Tubman’s freedom train. Engendered “stoke” by Carmichael’s black power. Introduced to thyself by Garvey. Birthed in 1906 by Alpha.

I stand among the accused. Guilty of succeeding; striving to succeed all those who came before me.

This is my life.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


If told today
My life would end
I'd see a clearer me
I'd stop believing
I have forever
To be what I want to be

Monday, July 13, 2009

Imperceptibly You

Deny it!
Try it!
Celebrate what you think
I’ll celebrate what I know
Yes we all have room to grow
Life seeds to sow
In the cavity that is our lives
We reside
Yet some hide
I simply look to provide
A catacomb for our deliberate transgressions
Against our better selves
Which may not be our best selves
Yet. . .
So I coalesce
Your reality of me
With my perceptions of you
A metaphysical hue
Culminating into a deep, melodic blue
Like Jazz
Like percussion
Like a well played sax
Sending tingles down our backs
Back to Earth
She is my mother
Like no other
I see her in all her splendor
I see her in you
You are my glue
Sticking with me forever
Holding worlds together
Amidst a sea (see) of everyone
I know what you are
You’re my everything
That of you which I understand
Better than
You may think I do
Imperceptibly You

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Horizon (a.k.a 2009)

Look out past the sunlit skies to an oasis

Far and wide as the land is long

And as the sea is deep

And as the air is thin and transparent

Past the emotional bent of human existence

And the existential nomenclature

Sizzles the repressed, organic substantiation

Of Life

And Living

And Dying

And Death

And Rebirth

And the ever ebbing and flowing of circles

That move and torture the soul

Once more

It is the horizon

It is the “what’s next”

It is the belief that beyond what you can see

Is something majestic

Something worthy of glorification


Like. . .

Like tomorrow

Like awakening eyes

Like childbirth

Or like stepping foot off of a plane in a new location

Basking in the ever-present belief that each moment

May be our last

Or just the step before the next

In a long list of steps that is our being

Taking control of what’s in front of you

Within reach

Right before the horizon

Right before the blue meets yellow, orange, red

Right before present presses against future

In a hug so grand that you feel it as heat

Cooling heat

Isn’t it refreshing?

The horizon is among us all

And we have the power to believe it to be

What we want it to be

The next best thing to today

For in this moment

In this time

In this hour

We have maxed out our beliefs

And the horizon is the only thing

That will take us further beyond our

Realism’s understanding

To our imagination’s creations

To the core of everything we know

Life does get better

When we look out upon

The horizon

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day (A reflection)

Eerily similar to the
Brow they beat
Carves the
Sweet smell of victory
From the
Foul stench of defeat
Build catacombs for my slumber
Cuz muh
Mind needs sleep
I dream of long summers
Cuz our
Lives are winter deep
It's the CHANGE
That I speak of
To redirect our course
From politics as usual
From the cart leading the horse
From races feeling remorse
Because they're not in the lead
Handouts are drying up
Takes a true capitalist
To succeed
Hungry mouths with
Mouths to feed
We're deep in deep need
Lactose intolerant babies
So breast milk goes to waste
Government funds to feed the war
Starving neighbors
Bombs have no taste
We must make haste
To the voting booths we go
We have a chance to clear up now
What we should've done
4 years ago
These are not the words of a Democrat
But a realist tired of fate
Laziness can be overcame
Our vote will SATIATE

Congrats President Elect Barack Hussein Obama!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nerve Endings

You remind me
Of Black Love
That old school
Black Love
Like I knew it once before
Like I was born with it innately
That Great Black Love
That smells like
Hair grease and soap
When you're sitting on my lap
Cocoa butter and Strawberry Chapstick
When you're rubbing against my skin
That Black, Black Love Where
Lutha, Anita and Teddy
Play back to back to black
Frankincense and Vanilla candles
Scent the air
As you push your thigh
Between my thighs
And I cup the back of your neck
With one hand
While caressing your waist
With the other hand
Your breasts
Lay heavy on my heart
As I feel you breathe on me
I wanna blow you like a horn
And hear you scream out my name
Give me what you got
Give me you

You Remind me
Of Black Love
That Sensual Black Love
That grooves through my blood
Blurs my senses
And kneads my body to a purr
That hot summer Black Love
Sneaking kisses on the porch swing
As we escape the heat
That makes us sweat
Our minds into one thought
One feeling
One being
One Love
That Blistering Black Love
Possessive Black Love
That holds you to me
In me
On me
Under Me
With Me
In tandem
In rhythm
In Love
That gripping Black Love
From which I do not want to escape

Friday, June 20, 2008

What she said

What I won’t be:

Conforming, redundant, malicious, subversive, sycophant, despotic, irrelevant, conniving, futile, baseless, banal, fretful, fearful, grieving, regretful, belligerent, abusive, caustic, punitive, judgmental, brisk, frigid, simple, shallow, transparent, guarded, deceitful, tormenting, or ugly

What I will be:

Deliberate, passionate, nurturing, loving, kind, fearless, fertile, adventurous, tempestuous, spontaneous, sexy, kinky, kooky, quirky, darling, beautiful, brazen, laid bare, boastful, brimming, bountiful, frank, honest, open, protective, loyal, affectionate, witty, flirty, willful, wanton, laughing, and lovely

And that's just off the top of my head


I can dig that!

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