Sunday, May 07, 2006

Reasoning for Reasons Known

Reason. It is the true pre-nuptial agreement to course of action. It is to come to grips with what you will do, before you do it. If you can reason your course of action, then you have agreed to deal with the consequences of your actions. Simple enough theory, would you agree?

For those patient enough to offer reverence to the strength of reasoning, comes great minds and great deeds. I oft question if I fall into that subsequent. However, I don't always reason for the sake of doing what's right. Sometimes that bothers me, sometimes it doesn't. I feel like I am most bothered when someone has caught on to what I am trying to do. I don't like for people to see, nay, understand the weaknesses within me. Make no mistake about it, reasoning what's wrong for you is a weakness.

I've put a strong aire of importance on one's ability to reason. Reasoning, being the by-product of one's ability to couple thought with a commoning of sense, leaves me with the feeling that a person owns truth and proper judgement. Keep in mind that I said I don't always reason right (as oppose to wrong). I need to surround myself with individuals who can pick up my slack when I'm doing just that. . .slacking. Thus my importance on one's reasonability.

I say all of this to infer that I spend a lot of time reasoning my purpose. It is an action time continuum. For every decision I have reasoned, where I am plus that decision presents a different picture of me. . .a different story of me. Thus, I must begin to reason again with this new picture, where I must go next. I take these actions seriously. Not always. But enough that it defines me.

Sometimes, my friends see me staring off into space and they question what I am thinking about; what thoughts have me so consumed that I lose conscious of present course of action. It is the reasoning of my next course of action that consumes me. I don't ever like to get too caught up in the moment that I don't keep at least my third eye on the future. Strange, huh? I doubt I'm the only one who does this. I seriously do. The main difference might be that I've taken time to put these actions to words.

I like to do that from time to time.


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